MONA | Museum of Old and New Art |

Hobarts Museum of Old and New Art is located on the Berriedale peninsula in Hobart, and has become one of the most popular contemporary museums in the world.
MONA is situated within the Moorilla winery. It is the largest privately funded museum in Australia and presents antiquities, modern and contemporary art from the David Walsh collection. Walsh has described the museum as a "subversive adult Disneyland."
Officially opened on 21 January 2011, coinciding with the third MONA FOMA festival. 2013 saw the introduction of Dark MOFO to the museums events calendar, the museums annual winter solstice festival.
The Museum of Old and New Art houses over 400 artistic works. Notable works in its inaugural exhibition, Monanism, include Sidney Nolans Snake, displayed publicly for the first time in Australia. Wim Delvoyes Cloaca Professional, a machine which turns food into excrement, Stephen Shanabrooks "on the road to heaven the highway to hell", remnants from suicide bomber cast in dark chocolate, and Chris Ofilis The Holy Virgin Mary.
Getting There
MONA is a 20 minute drive from Hobart, a 25 minute ferry ride, 15 minutes by helicopter and seaplane.
The best option is a Package Tour that includes transport and entrance tickets. Tickets must be prebooked.
View Package Tours
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 655 Main Road Berriedale 7011 View Map
✆ Telephone: +61 (3) 6277 9900
❊ What's On ❊
Coming to MONA | Museum of Old and New Art..➼ Mona Foma
➼ MONA | Open & Tickets
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➼ MONA | Museum of Old and New Art
❊ Also See.. ❊
➼ Moorilla Estate
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