Cancer Council |

As Australias peak national non-government cancer control organisation, Cancer Council Australia advises the Australian Government and other bodies on practices and policies to help prevent, detect and treat cancer.
We also advocate for the rights of cancer patients for best treatment and supportive care.
Cancer never rests, and for that reason, neither do we. And tomorrow, with your help, we'll start again.
We're here to help
Cancer information, support or advice
Chat to one of our specially trained staff on 13 11 20 (local call cost except mobiles) or for peer-based support visit Cancer Connections.
Sunscreen inquires
For sunscreen related questions, inquiries or feedback please call our sunscreen partner Skin Health on 1300 364 515 (available 24/7) or email them at [email protected].
You can donate to Cancer Council Australia online.
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Cancer Council
❊ Also See.. ❊
➼ SunSmart UV App - Free
➼ Daffodil Day 2025
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