St Patrick's Day 2026

St Patrick's Day 2026St Patrick's Day 2026

Tuesday 17th March 2026 - A guide for St Patrick's Day revellers to Irish Pubs to enjoy festivities with their mates.

In Australia, thousands of people of Irish descent or who fancy themselves as Irish at heart, are expected to celebrate Ireland's national day and the traditional feast day of the country's patron saint, St Patrick.

St Patrick, who was born in Roman Britain in the 5th century, is widely credited with having introduced Christianity to Ireland and, according to Irish mythology, to have driven all snakes from the country. St Patrick's Day is the anniversary of his death*.

*A variety of dates are given for his death. In the Book of Armagh "the elder Patrick"is said to have died in 457. In 461/2 the annals record the repose of Patrick, in 492/3 they record the death of Patrick except he would have been 120.

What's it all about..

It's not about the beer - though, of course, there will be beer (and Guinness). It's not about the food either, even if you're likely to enjoy something hearty. And it's not about the venue, despite the undeniable appeal of dark-wood interiors and a bar polished smooth by generations of thirsty elbows..

A real Irish pub - a proper one, in Ireland, filled with Irish people - is about one thing: the craic.

the Craic

The craic is a wonderfully elusive concept, a word with a hundred meanings, much like how Australians throw around "mate." ("Mate? Maaate.") You can enjoy the craic. You can ask about the craic. You, yourself, can be great craic.

It's fun. It's good times. It's sharp banter with quick-witted company. It's thick, black pints shared with friends. It's things going slightly off course, getting a little out of hand, leaving you waking up unsure whether you made the right choices - but absolutely certain they were worth it.

And that's the art of an Irish pub: finding the craic. Having a good time.

Luckily, it's not hard. Ireland is brimming with pubs, from city streets to quiet country lanes, and in nearly every one, you'll find the craic.

You're looking for somewhere with age, with history - something with a bit of crumble to it. Not a neon-lit cocktail bar. Not a trendy spot with small-batch craft beer. You want traditional. Relaxed. Welcoming.

Think of Smyth's of Ranelagh, a no-frills Dublin pub where the crowd is lively and the drinks are cheap. Or Sin É in Cork City, an institution where pints have been poured and locals have gathered since 1889. Or Foxy John's in Dingle - a part-pub, part-hardware store, and pure character.

These aren't just drinking spots; they're extensions of people's living rooms. Places where locals come to unwind, to share a meal, play pool, chat with strangers, maybe watch a match. They're music venues too, where someone inevitably pulls out an instrument, and soon, the whole room is alive with song.

The magic of an Irish pub-of the craic - is that it can't be forced. It happens naturally. You just have to sit back and let it unfold.

Or better yet - help it along. Strike up a conversation; there's always someone up for a chat. Listen to the music, even if every tune starts to blur together. Order another pint or a whiskey. Make a bad decision or two. Go with the flow.

Enjoy the craic.

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Date: Tuesday 17th March 2026


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St Patrick's Day 2026

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