Begents |

Begents strives to offer customer service excellence with their huge range of electrical, furniture and bedding products.
Begents stocks all major electrical brands in Audio Visual, Heating & Cooling, Whitegoods, and Small Appliance products.
Their furniture & bedding departments offer the latest in lounge, dining and bedroom furniture and accessories.
Visit your closest Begents store location to view their huge range of household products, or visit their website via the link below for all of the latest stock and exciting specials.
Launceston Begents
58 Wellington Street
Launceston Tasmania 7250
Ph: 03 6337 6337
Fax: 03 6334 2587
Burnie Begents
10 Wilson Street
Burnie Tasmania 7320
Ph: 03 6431 4133
Fax: 03 6431 4933
Devonport Begents
46 Don Road
Devonport Tasmania 7310
Ph: 03 6424 1879
Fax: 03 6423 1055
Ulverstone Begents
72 Reiby Street
Ulverstone Tasmania 7315
Ph: 03 6425 5125
Fax: 03 6425 7698
Scottsdale Begents
34 King Street
Scottsdale Tasmania 7260
Ph: 03 6352 2877
Fax: 03 6352 2647
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9am - 5.30pm (All Stores)
Sat: 9am - 4pm (Launceston), 9am - 2pm (Burnie), 9am - 1pm (Devonport, Scottsdale, Ulverstone)
Sunday: Closed
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 58 Wellington Street Launceston 7250 View Map
✆ Telephone: 03 6337 6337
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Begents
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