Don Market

Don Market is one of the oldest markets in Tasmania, operating open every Sunday for over forty years.
Held in the Don Hall building, car park and lawned areas it operates most Sundays from 9.00am to 2.00pm.
The market has a variety of stallholders including hand knitted baby clothes, beautiful children's hand sewn clothing, jewellery, home cooking, sauces, jams and relish, new bags, hand made earrings and bow hairclips, plants, pet treats, locally hand made wooden toys, bric -a-brac.
Sit under the trees on a nice day and you may even get to enjoy some entertainment from local buskers!
While you are at the market, why not treat yourself to a snack or lunch from the cafe in the rear of the hall.
Don is only a five minute drive from central Devonport.
More information + stall, please contact Jayne on 0438 278 730.
Please note: we have received an update saying it has changed from every Sunday to the first and third Saturday of each month. The market FB page still says every Sunday.
Don Market hosts a car boot/garage sale/ market on the first and third Saturday of each month (unless there are unforeseen circumstances). For more information, please text or call 0438278730 to check that the market is on or to make a booking to take part, stall fees etc.
❊ When ❊
Happens: Sunday
Times: 9am-2pm
❊ Where ❊
⊜ 17 Forth Rd Don Map✆ 0438 278 730
❊ Web Links ❊
→ Don Market→
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