Friendly Mission: The Tasmanian Journals and Papers of George Augustus Robinson, 1829-1834 |

Edited by NJB Plomley, was first published in 1966.
This monumental and controversial work has long been recognised as a major source document of Australian colonial history.
Covering Robinson's activities from 1829-34, Friendly Mission describes his conciliation attempts with the Tasmanian Aborigines and their subsequent relocation to Flinders Island.
Even as the island's Aboriginal population was being decimated by the policies, diseases and social influences of the European settlers - and Robinson has been considered complicit in their demise - his brilliantly detailed journals were destined to become an important record of the lives and customs of those people.
The 2008 republication of Friendly Mission, by the Queen Victorian Museum and Art Gallery and Quintus Publishing, contains material omitted from the first edition and has an extensive new index, to enable researchers and general readers alike significantly improved access to this enormous, valuable work.
ISBN:9780977557226, 0977557227
Page count:1,162
Publisher:Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
Original from:Indiana University
Digitized:30 September 2010
Author:George Augustus Robinson
Editor:Norman James Brian Plomley
❊ Location ❊
Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery [ view ]2 Wellington Street Launceston Tasmania 7250 View Map
Telephone: 03 6323 3777
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Friendly Mission: The Tasmanian Journals and Papers of George Augustus Robinson, 1829-1834
➼ Google Books
➼ Reading Robinson: Companion Essays to George Robinsons Friendly Mission
❊ Also See.. ❊
➼ National Library of Australia
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