Mercury Print Museum |

The Mercury Print Museum is now closed to visitors.
The Mercury Print Museum, in Ingle Hall, Hobart, from 1999-2013
Tasmanias printing heritage was the focus of a special museum in Hobarts historic Ingle Hall. The museum was developed by the Mercury newspaper in the 1814 Georgian building, in Macquarie St, Hobart, adjoining the companys original head office. The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery assisted the newspaper in creating the specialised museum which occupied the entire ground floor of Ingle Hall, one of Australias oldest early colonial buildings. A close relationship with TMAG was enjoyed throughout the museums history.
Extensive restoration was done by historic home restoration specialist builder, Brian Freeman, as part of a conservation plan prepared by Hobart architects Stephen Firth and Peter Freeman. A series of interpretive displays and exhibits was designed by the Tasmanian Museum, covering the history of early printing in Tasmania, the development of the Mercury from 1854 to today, and the evolution of 19th, 20th and 21st century printing.
Displays ranged from a collection of early printing memorabilia covering the early days of typesetting by hand with "movable type", the development of "hot metal"type, and todays computer-based typesetting techniques.
The museum was developed by the Mercury as part of its Newspapers in Education program. There was a strong education focus as the museum traced the development of printing through historical objects and images as well as visual and oral presentations.
The museum building itself reflects the history of Hobart. Ingle Hall is regarded as one of Australias finest examples of Georgian architecture from the early 19th century to have survived almost completely intact. Over two centuries it has seen many uses, including a private residence for early occupants including merchants John Ingle and Edward Lord. It was the first Hutchins School building in 1846, and served as a private boarding house for much of the early part of the 20th century.
The Mercury thanks all those who visited the museum over its 14 years and the staff who so enthusiastically shared their love of the newspapers history with all who expressed an interest. Thanks in particular to Rod Boucher, Jim Oakham and Alison Finemore.
The Mercury Print Museum is now closed to visitors.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 89 Macquarie St Hobart 7000 View Map
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✆ Telephone: Inquiries can be directed to Damian Bester, 03 623
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