Baobab Clothing |

Baobab: beautiful basics for babies and toddlers.
For a completely modern look for kids, from newborn to 6 years old, there's baobab. This gorgeous range of stylish basics is made from the softest brushed cotton fabric and is available in a range of lovely colours which can be mixed, matched and layered, creating a stunning wardrobe for every child.
Conceived as a simple, no-fuss alternative for the modern mum and active child, the baobab garments are comfortable, practical and well-priced. The range includes a series of quirky graphics and fun prints which are a hit with kids and parents alike.
Baobab Clothing Tasmania Stockists
Forget Me Not
169 Sandy Bay Road
Sandy Bay TAS 5
Tel: 02 6223 1575
Makie G
29 Rooke Street
Devonport TAS 7310
Tel: 02 6424 3665
Makie G
95 George Street,
Launceston 7250
Tel: 02 6331 8345
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 29 Rooke St Devonport 7310 View Map
✆ Telephone: 02 6424 3665
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