Gowans Auctions |

Gowans Auctions is one of Tasmanias most well-known and trusted auction houses, located 6 minutes drive from Hobart CBD.
Gowans Auctions sell everything from fine antiques to general household goods, plant & equipment and, after 60 years of providing auction services in Tasmania, boasts Tasmanias most experienced auction team.
Gowans weekly auctions average 1200+ lots and attract 300+ registered bidders, inclusive of interstate bidders.
Gowans Auctions is open Monday to Friday, 9 - 5. The public is invited to come and browse, ensuring all goods experience maximum exposure.
Visit the website via the link below for more information and Receiving Days.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 37 Main Rd Moonah 7009 View Map
✆ Telephone: 03 6278 1600
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Gowans Auctions
➼ www.gowansauctions.com.au
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