Henrys Restaurant |

Henrys Restaurant is located in the Henry Jones Art Hotel near the historical Salamanca district in Hobart.
Here you can indulge in an exceptional menu offering a refreshing and revitalised glance of some of the earlier disher, delicacies and perfected preparations dating from this locations long, lively and colourful history. The cuisine also reflects and specialises in contemporary Australian cuisine. There's the illuminated sails overhead, the sumptuous talents of our staff, good cheer and fabulous service.
Architect Robert Morris-Nunn has turned an old waterside jam storage warehouse into, well, an old waterside jam storage warehouse, gently manhandling a very chic hotel, bar and restaurant into it along the way. The menu is inspiring and for location and innovation, fairly priced.
Andre Kropp has just the mix of experience and audacity you want in a chef: rabbit braised with bitter chocolate and orange, vanilla lime parsnip mash (whoda thunk?); or a roasted eye fillet with potato mille-feuille, sauteed Huon mushrooms, green peppercorn sauce and truffle mayo. I know vegetarians who would turn for that. Three easy steps: Hobart, waterfront, eat.

❊ Address ❊
⊜ Henry Jones Art Hotel Hobart 7000 View Map
℅ nipaluna
✆ Telephone: 03 6210 7706
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Henrys Restaurant
➼ www.thehenryjones.com
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