Hotel Bruny |

Hotel Bruny is open 364 days a year. Serving up amazing seafood meals and of course your pub favourites.
They have a great focus on local premium products to go with the sensational views of the channel and satellite island.
Fantastic service and great local knowledge. During Winter sit by the open log fires with a mug of Hot Bruny Island Cider.
During Summer grab a cold glass of local beer and oysters, sit on the deck and watch the world go by.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 3959 Bruny Island Main Rd, Alonnah 7150 View Map
✆ Telephone: (03) 6293 1148
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Hotel Bruny
Winner: CHOICE Shiny Award
For recognising kindness during the COVID-19 pandemic by showing genuine care and concern for the community.
CHOICE Shiny Award
CHOICE Shiny Award
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