Riverfront Motel & Villas |

Riverfront Motel & Villas is located 10 minutes drive north from Hobart CBD and a 15 minute radius of Hobarts top attractions, inclusive of Salamanca Place, Battery Point and Hobart Docks.
Nearby attractions also include the Cadbury Chocolate Factory, Moorilla Winery & Museum, the Derwent Entertainment Centre and the Glenorchy/Moonah area.
The magnificent riverfront location will leave you feeling relaxed and refresh as you while away the hours sipping your favourite wine from our collection!
Riverfront offers 64 rooms in total, consisting of 41 motel rooms, 22 self-contained villas and 2 houses.
Visit the website via the link below for more information and bookings.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 897 Brooker Hwy Berriedale 7010 View Map
✆ Telephone: +61 3 6272 6721
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Riverfront Motel & Villas
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