Port Arthur Historic Site |

The Port Arthur Historic Site is one of Australias most important heritage sites and tourist destinations.
Located on the scenic Tasman Peninsula in the south east of Tasmania, it offers a unique and essential experience for all visitors to the area.
The Port Arthur penal settlement began life as a small timber station in 1830. Originally designed as a replacement for the recently closed timber camp at Birches Bay, Port Arthur quickly grew in importance within the penal system of the colonies.
The initial decade of settlement saw a penal station hacked from the bush, and the first manufactories - such as ship building, shoemaking, smithing, timber and brick making - established. The 1840s witnessed a consolidation of the industrial and penal nature of the settlement as the convict population reached over 1100. In 1842 a huge flour mill and granary (later the Penitentiary) was begun, as well as the construction of a hospital.
1848 saw the first stone laid for the Separate Prison, the completion of which brought about a shift in punishment philosophy from physical to mental subjugation. Port Arthur also expanded geographically as the convicts pushed further into the encircling hills to extract the valuable timber.
Tours and Activities
Port Arthur is a large place with a huge variety of attractions. In order to get the most out of your visit, check out these tour packages, activities and suggested itineraries.

Port Arthur Historic Site is on the Tasman Peninsula, 93km south east of Hobart by road.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Arthur Highway Port Arthur 7182 View Map
✆ Telephone: 1800 659 101
❊ What's On ❊
Coming to Port Arthur Historic Site..➼ Port Arthur Tours and Tickets
➼ Port Arthur Ghost Tour
➼ Remembrance: Port Arthur Massacre 1996-2025 - Monday 28 April 2025
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Port Arthur Historic Site
➼ www.portarthur.org.au
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